minus Forex Robot...How Awesome It Is ? Sunday, February 16, 2014 I has a long ago when I heard from some grup that said Automated Trading is very cool for your trade. You can trade without any emotion p... 5

Forex Robot...How Awesome It Is ?

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Forex Robot First Impression
I has a long ago when I heard from some grup that said Automated Trading is very cool for your trade. You can trade without any emotion pressure there, Yes that is trading by using Forex Robot. Your order will opened automatically in your trading platform. Guess what ? Even you no need to make any analysis. This Robot would do it for you. Your Metatrader will running magically :)

There are so much service in Internet that offered to us for making forex robot but its not free at all. We need to spend our money for it and that is not cheap. Yeah I think that is in balance when we see how hard and how much time they spend to make this robot. You need to do some algorithm process to make it. It just same like the other computing languages like C#, C++, Jave, Perl or Phyton but some command would make it different.

What we need to learn when we want to make a forex robot ? Should we learn C++ or maybe HTML for do this. The Answer is not you no need to learn that programming language but if you know some programming language. It will make you learn faster. I has a plus for you. Just like I said above an understanding about how programming algorithm work is really needed and every programmuing language have that. Having the same Algorithm but in different command.

When you want to learn how to making forex robot. Programming language that you need to learn is Metaquotes Language. That is the main language for forex trading platform, Indicator, and Forex  Robot too. You and I would learn it on this blog. How to make your own forex trading robot. hope you enjoy. :)
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